Change flights

Changes to your booking

You can make changes to your booking up to 7 days before the flight.

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Change your flights

  • You can change the date, departure or destination of your flights

    Remember that if you have already completed your outbound journey and you want to change your return journey, you can only change the date, not the route.

  • You can make changes to your flights up to 7 days before flying

    However, if you have booked using our Flex service, you can make changes to your flights up to 4 hours before take-off!

Flex plan

Have you heard about Volotea's super flexible plan? You can make as many changes as you want up to 4 hours before your flight. Plus, you can cancel and get refunded in Volotea credit..

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Change passenger names

  • You can change the passenger names up to 4 hours before flying

    If you have already checked in, you can make name changes using the Customer Service Center.

  • After making a change, remember to get your updated boarding pass

    Remember that, once you have made the changes, you will have to re-download or re-print your boarding passes.